Top Ten Tuesday: Books Featuring My Favourite Colour

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by the Broke and Bookish and hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl where we get a new topic for a top 10 list.

I must admit that my favourite colour changes all the time. I think it corresponds with the seasons and my general mood for the day. However, the one colour I always seem to turn to is blue. So here’s a collection of book covers in various shades of blue and below you will get to see why blue seems to be my favourite colour.


I know a lot of people see Blue as being a cold and clinical colour. However, I’ve never understood that reasoning in its entirety. I think Blue is one of the most atmospheric colours in our spectrum. So, yes it can be cold and clinical, but it can also be bright and ethereal. I associate Blue with a lot of things, but mainly what I think about is the sky. I love waking up to a bright blue sky. It gives me that sense of freedom and peace. It energises me when I see a clear blue sky. In contrast, you also have the blue hues of the night sky, which further illuminates the vastness of our universe. Blue is such a dynamic colour, and I love seeing how to can be both soft and harsh.

The book covers I’ve selected highlight the various ways blue can be utilised. From the magical, otherworldly vibe in The Raven King and These Broken Stars, to the summer vibes of Walk the Edge, and the cold, foreboding covers of Outrun the Moon and Gemina. Blue is such a layered colour and I love seeing it utilised in different ways.

What’s your favourite colour?


17 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books Featuring My Favourite Colour

  1. I love the color blue as well and you have such a great selection of books here, I love it! Words in Deep Blue has to be one of my favorite covers of all times, it’s sooooooooo stunning 🙂

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